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BDSM-Wiki » Poppers


A synthetic, illegal drug (Nitrit) with biting odor.


It stimulates sexual, reduces inhibitions, let the penis to become rigid, relaxes the sphincter and inhibits the pain. When excessive taking it relaxes the muscles so
strongly that the penis is no longer stiff. Poppers emerged in the '70s, primarily in gay circles, then disappeared again and experienced mid-90s, a renaissance. First, again gay circles starting
found the drug increasingly used in other scenes. Popper has not only strong stimulant and sexually stimulating, but also hallucinogenic (sinnestäuschende) Wirkung.Es can hardly be counted as aphrodisiacs.

Poppers are basically no drugs, but strictly speaking drugs. It is Nitrite (amyl nitrite, butyl nitrite, isobutyl nitrite), which was formerly used in medicine infarcts. None of these agents
is still used in Germany in angina pectoris therapy. Poppers is liquid and is inhaled, the gas can explode (Popper is closely related chemically nitroglycerin). The effect usually lasts for about two minutes. The effect is a widening of blood vessels. The result: A Wärmegfühl the whole body with relaxing properties on the muscles. But is also accompanied by a drop in blood pressure by about 30 mmHg (which is A LOT!) -
thus it can be people black. The muscle relaxation also facilitates Eindingen of the penis into the anus during anal intercourse. This was probably one reason why Popper was popular with gays. One of the effects is related vasodilation and relaxation of the blood vessels. This creates a feeling of warmth over the whole body (by the flowing in the blood vessels) and large amounts of blood, and thus oxygen by the brain. The increase in oxygen also leads to a sudden intensification of current feelings and can thus increase the pleasure and reduce inhibitions.



Notifications and health risks

Like all drugs makes Poppers dependent and results in serious injury.
Poppers to be carcinogenic and weaken the immune system, so it is considered AIDS-promoting.
Oral cautions poppers can lead to death within a short time. Several cases in Germany are known.
As Popper fall under the Medicines Act, they may not be sold freely in Germany.

The inhalation of nitrite gases expand greatly the blood vessels, leading to a blood frenzy. According descends very strong blood pressure by about 30 mmHg (which is A LOT!) - This may be blacked out and people also come to circulatory collapse.
The gelichzeitige taking sex stimmulierenten substances such as Viagra, may also be fatal.

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